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Diagnostic Testing 

Audubon Consulting and Testing's team of expertly trained technicians can identify and solve weather related “Building Envelope” material failures and leaks.  With value in mind, we offer several custom testing packages for commercial clients as well as custom home builders .  Through quality control testing we can offer accurate information on the performance of your buildings fenestration, claddings, roofing systems, weather barriers, and much more.  


We are committed to excellence through our quality management program and technical training.  We follow industry standards such as ASTM and AAMA to collect building performance data.  This allows us to provide accuracy and confidence in the results presented to our clients. 

Our Testing services focus on:


  • Cladding

  • Roofing systems

  • Waterproofing membranes

  • Fluid applied air barrier assemblies

  • Common construction materials

  • Fenestrations (windows/doors) (storefront, curtain wall)

  • Concrete strength and moisture

  • Thermographic analysis

  • Below is a breif list of testing service we offer.  Call us today to discuss how these services can help alleviate some of the most common building issues.  




ASTM F 2170

Standard Test Method for Determining Relative Humidity in Concrete Floor Slabs Using in situ Probes. 


This method covers the quantitative determination of percent relative humidity in concrete slabs for field or laboratory tests.  Moisture permeating from concrete floor slabs affects the performance of flooring systems such as resilient and textile floor coverings and coatings such as debonding and deterioration of finished flooring and microbial growth.

ASTM F 1869

Standard Test Method for Measuring Moisture Vapor Emission Rate of Concrete Subfloor Using Anhydrous Calcium Chloride.


This test covers the quantitative determination of the rate of moisture vapor emitted from below-grade, on-grade, and above (suspended) bare concrete floors. This method is used to determine if the concrete slab is acceptable to receive resilient floor covering.

ASTM E 907

Standard Test Method for Field Testing Uplift Resistance of Adhered Membrane Roofing Systems.


This test determines the resistance of the adhered membrane roofing systems to uplift pressure. The intent of the testing standard is to measure the uplift resistance of the roofing system at its structural predetermined pressure.

FM I-52

Field Verification of Roof Wind Uplift Resistance.


Two methods of field testing above-deck roofing assemblies to determine if there is adequate wind resistance.  Confirmation of acceptable wind uplift resistance on completed roof systems is critical in hurricane-prone regions. Field testing may also be used where inferior construction is suspected (or known to be present) or where a partial blow-off has occurred.


(High/Low Voltage)- Methods for evaluating the continuity of waterproofing membranes.


These methods utilize an electrical current to detect discontinuities in waterproofing membranes.  This pulsating current allows the user to locate any potential breeches or capillary defects in the membrane.

ASTM E 1186

Standard Practice for Air Leakage Site Detection in Building Envelopes and Air Barrier Systems


The Standard covers multiple practices and standardized techniques for locating air leakage sites in building envelopes and air barrier systems.  The practices described are of a qualitative nature in determining the air leakage sites rather than determine quantitative leakage rates.

ASTM D 4541

Standard Test Method for Pull-Off Strength of Coatings Using Portable Adhesion Testers.


This method covers a procedure for evaluating the pull-off strength or adhesion of a coating on rigid substrates such as metal, concrete or wood. The test determines the greatest perpendicular force that a surface area can bear before a plug of material is detached.

ASTM D 5957

Standard Guide for Flood Testing Horizontal Waterproofing Installations.


This guide provides a method for testing the water tightness of waterproofing installations applied to the horizontal surface having a slope not greater than 2%. Using a series of temporary containment assemblies of pond water on horizontal surfaces to determine the water tightness of waterproofing installations.

ASTM C 1715

Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Water Leakage Performance of Masonry Wall Drainage Systems.


This test method describes a procedure for determining the ability of masonry wall drainage systems to collect water that penetrates the exterior masonry during a rainstorms and to direct this water back to the exterior surface. This test method is applicable to wall systems that contain an exterior masonry with a drainage space on the interior face of the exterior wythe.

ASTM C 1601

Standard Test Method for Field Determination of Water Penetration of Masonry Wall Surfaces. 


This test covers the field determination of water penetration of a masonry wall   surface under specific water flow rate and air pressure conditions. This test is    intended for use on any masonry wall surface that can be properly instrumented and tested. This non-destructive method quantitatively   determines the surface penetration of water at a single location on a masonry wall.

AAMA 501.2

Quality Assurance and Diagnostic Water Leakage Field Check of Installed   Storefronts, Curtain

Walls and Sloped Glazing System.


Quality assurance and diagnostic field water check for installed storefront, curtain walls and sloped glazing systems. This field check procedure is intended to evaluate those joints, gaskets and sealant details in the glazing which are designed to remain permanently closed and water tight.

AAMA 502

Voluntary Specification for Field Testing of Newly Installed Fenestration Products.


This specification establishes the guidelines for verifying the air infiltration resistance performance and water penetration resistance performance of newly installed fenestration products. This specification is applicable during construction, prior to issuance of the building occupancy permit but no later than six months after installation of the fenestration products. The purpose of this specification is to provide a method which can be used to evaluate the installed performance of the newly installed fenestration products

AAMA 503

Voluntary Specification for Field Testing of Newly Installed Storefronts, Curtain Walls and Sloped Glazing Systems.


This specification establishes the guidelines for evaluating the performance of newly installed storefront, curtain wall, and sloped glazing systems and their installation during construction, prior to issuance of the building occupancy permit, but no later than six months after issuance of the occupancy permit. The purpose of this specification is to provide a method which can be used to evaluate the installed performance of the newly installed storefronts,curtain walls and sloped glazing systems.

ASTM E 1105

Field Determination of Water Penetration of installed Exterior Windows, Skylights, Doors, and Curtain Walls, by Uniform or Cyclic Static Air Pressure Difference. 


This method covers the determination of the resistance of installed exterior  windows, curtain walls, skylights, and doors to water penetration when water is applied to the exterior face and exposed edges simultaneously with static air pressure at the exterior face higher than the pressure at the interior face of the fenestration.

ASTM E 783

Standard Test Method for Field Measurement of Air Leakage Through Installed Exterior Windows and Doors.


This method provides in field determination of air leakage rates of installed exterior windows and doors.  This method attempts to create a given set of natural environmental conditions that can be used in field testing of installed exterior windows and doors.

ASTM C 794

Standard Test Method for Adhesion-in-Peel of Elastomeric Joint Sealants.


This is a procedure for determining the strength and characteristics of the peel properties of a cured in-place elastomeric joint sealant, single or multicomponent, for use in building construction.

ASTM C 1193

Standard Guide for Use of Joint Sealants. (Appendixes) X1.1-1.4 Hand Pull Method.


This adhesion test is a simple screening procedure for a field applied sealant that may help detect field application problems, such as improper substrate cleaning, use of an improper primer, poor primer application, improper joint  configuration, Etc...

ASTM C 1153

Standard Practice for Location of Wet Insulation in Roofing Systems Using Infrared Imaging.


Employment of infrared imaging at night to determine the location of wet insulation in roofing systems that have insulation above the deck in contact with the waterproofing. This practice includes ground based and ariel imaging of the roofing surface.

ASTM C1060

Standard Practice for Thermographic Inspection of Building Insulation Installations inEnvelope Cavities of Frame Buildings.


Use of infrared imaging systems for conducting qualitative thermal inspections of building wall, ceilings, roofs, and floors, framed in wood or metal, that may contain insulation in the spaces between framing members. 

ASTM E 779

Standard Test Method for Determining Air Leakage Rate by Fan Pressurization.


This method measures air-leakage rates through a building envelope under controlled pressurization and depressurization. Its intent is to quantify the air-tightness of a building envelope. Though, strictly a quantitative test several diagnostic techniques can be used to isolate sources of air leakage in buildings.  Zonal pressure readings and smoke seeded air testing can pinpoint the direct cause(s) of high volumes of air leakage.

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Audubon Consulting and Testing Inc. | PO Box 12208  | Pensacola, FL 32591 | Phone: 225.384.6311 |

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